Today I was nominated by Magda to take part in ‘’Liebster
Award’’ .So, thank you for nominating me. Be sure to check her out
I’ll be posting fun facts about me. Although I wanted to know more about this ‘’Liebster
Award’’. Apparently this was given to upcoming bloggers to help them gain publication. Liebster is a German word for dearest, beloved, sweetheart
and endearing.’’ There are no official sites for this internet fun. But this
seems to be a really good idea to discover other new bloggers so why not I try it
11 facts about you
11 Question for you to answer
Tag 11 people who are newly
It’s simple right? Okay let’s start!
1. My name is Analyn
2. I’m Filipino living in the UK
3. I’m an independent freelancer artists
4. I love listening to music such as Indie, Old rock, rock
and pop
5. I’m a painter specialized in portraits and figures
6. I love fashion and mostly drawn to shoes, especially I’m
in love with platforms shoes since I’m quite small. Oh why! Why god? Why I must
be small?
7. I have a weird pinkie and my body temperature apparently
cold when its cold weather and hot weather hot body. Which my boyfriend thinks
it’s weird. Haha!
8. I play acoustic guitar
9. I’m a big fan of Jonah Hill. I love him too dearly most of
his films makes me laugh
10. I love classical arts and history
11. I love online shopping
Questions and answers:
1. Where were you born?
I was born in the Philippines
2. Describe yourself in three words.
Tiny, Stubborn, Clumsy
3. What is your guilty pleasure?
Anything that contains chocolate and Ramen aka Kimchi noodles
4. What quality do you appreciate the most in others?
Trust worthy
5. What dream do you hope to accomplish someday?
Travel all over the world, Open an Art Gallery and Live in Japan
6. Three things you cannot live without ?
Noodles and Chocolate
7. Who are your favourite bloggers?
Zoella, Le-happy and Shewearsfashion
8. Why did you start blogging?
I've always wanted to be a journalist and I guess blogging is pretty much similar and I think of blogging as my personal journal. It's also a great opportunity to share my passion and help others.
9. If you could live anywhere on earth. Where would it be?
10. What would be the first you'd do if you won the lottey?
I would buy a big house in Japan
11. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I have many dreams but mostly a mad scientist, artist, musician and journalist
Now it's your turn!
I would like to nominate
And finally anybody else is welcome to do this nomination!